In, Dear Knee Jerk Daniele Watts supporters, writer Ricardo Hazell completely misses the mark by falling way short of understanding the larger issue and letting his own misogyny cloud his analysis. 

I had to read him for points.

"This article is completely misguided white nonsense. First, there is no such thing as playing the race card if we are living, loving, working and fighting within racist systems. For you to trivilized this as "playing the race card" or low key charactierizing her a hysterical angry Black woman is a prime example of racialized sexism that is stagnating and doesn't move the conversation forward. Racism is much more nuanced and complex then what you seem to understand.

Let me make it simple for you: Just because she was not being arrested for being a prostitute doesn't mean that race doesn't play a factor into how she is treated or the immeidate reaction to her sexuality. Racism is not just a direct action from one person to another, ie. "this person called me the N-word", this cop mistook me for a prostitute because I'm Black." Racism or white supremacy, is a pyschological framework. it's an institution. Law enforcement is an institution entrenched in white supremacy as we have seen throughout history. As we have seen very recently. Why not be, as you put it, "hypersensitive." White people are "hypersensitive" to our presence, why should we not be "hypersensitive" to their ubiquitous racism? And we, Black men, have to be "hypersensitive" to racialize misogyny that tears down and humiliates our women every day.

According to her boyfriend, this is the third time this has happened to them, so she has every right to be very vigilantly about instances of racial profiling or racialized sexism without being couched in language that makes her seem crazy, particularly after she's handcuffed and crying, her boyfriend makes jokes that sitting in the police car is "good for her."

I don't understand why you, or anyone else for that matter, is so quick to give the benefit of the doubt to the white police officer without taking into consideration the legacy that law enforcement has had with Black people in this country. Why would start from a place of critique, disapproval, or mistrust when a Black woman has clearly been traumatized by this interaction with the police and probably even more so after her white boyfriend made pals with the cop and agreed that she plays the race card. (It always shocks me a little when Black people actually use the phrase and aren't joking)

And why you would lead with a quote from Koby Sellout Bryant about Trayvon Martin when he was wrong, cowardly and a complete embarrassment. As well, closing with the advice to Black peopl to "pump the brakes" on recognizing racism is just as wrong, cowardly and embarrassing."